Privacy and Cookie Policy

Privacy Policy Statement

◎ Privacy Policy Description:
AirKacho(Pixma Business Co.,Ltd.) takes your privacy very seriously. Please read more about the privacy policy below.

The Company attaches great importance to the protection of your privacy. Regarding the collection and use of consumer and personal data, we are committed to complying with the "Computer Processing Personal Data Protection Act" of the Republic of China and this privacy policy, and properly manage and protect users' privacy. If you do not agree to all or part of this Privacy Policy, please stop using the services of this website.


◎ Instructions for using personal data:

When you browse the company's related websites, you will not be actively asked to enter personal information. When you want to complete the shopping process or participate in other activities, the company will ask users to log in to their personal information in order to complete the transaction and related membership services.

The personal information obtained by the company and its related websites will only be used within the company for the purpose and scope of the original instructions.
The Company will not arbitrarily provide users' personal information to third parties unless stated in advance or in compliance with relevant laws and regulations in Taiwan, or except for use within the scope necessary to perform relevant activities with the Company's partners.
The company will automatically record your browsing activities on the website and other related information, but this information is only used for traffic analysis and network behavior investigation in order to improve the service quality of the website.


◎ User registration instructions:
In order to protect the rights and interests of all members, when you visit this website for the first time to make a purchase, we will ask for your name, email, contact address and other information to register as a AirKacho Online member.
During the registration process, you can set up a set of email and password for yourself. Through this account, you can use relevant membership services according to the website instructions.
Please keep your member account and password safe, do not provide the above information to anyone, and be sure to log out of your account after you complete shopping and use.
If you share a computer with others or use a public computer, remember to close your browser to prevent others from seeing the above information, reading your personal information, or gaining access to your account.


◎Confidentiality and security:
The company has strengthened relevant protection measures, but we also solemnly remind you: please do not disclose your personal information publicly on the Internet, as this information may be collected and used by others. Especially in public forums on the Internet, such as chat rooms and message boards, you should avoid publishing personal information such as personal identity, passwords or emails.
Our employees have limited access to your personal information only within the scope of their needs to provide you with goods or services.
In order to protect the security of your account and personal data, please do not provide your personal account and password to any third party or allow a third party to use your personal data to apply for an account or password. Otherwise, you will be responsible for the relevant responsibilities. If your account and password are at risk of being leaked, please change your password immediately or notify the company to suspend the account (the company may need to verify your personal information).
The Internet is not a secure information transmission environment. When using this website, please avoid providing sensitive personal information to others or publicly disclosing it on the website.


◎ Cookie instructions:
Cookie is a technology used by the website server to communicate with your browser. It can be used to distinguish the different preferences of users and further provide personalized services. When you visit and use the services of this website, in order to make it more convenient for you to use this website and to help us provide you with customized content, our company may set cookies for your web browser to store some of your information. We hope to use this information to provide you with better and more considerate services that are more suitable for you.
You can learn how to set up to accept or reject cookies in your browser operating instructions. You can change the cookie usage settings through your personal computer or Internet device. If you turn off cookies, it may cause problems when you use the services of this website. If you experience any inconvenience, you may not be able to make full use of all the service functions provided.


◎ Revision of privacy policy:
The company reserves the right to change the contents of this statement. If it is modified, the company will notify you of the relevant major changes by email or text message you provided, and will announce the changed statement at the same location on the website.
If you do not agree to the change or modification, please stop using the services of this website and notify the company to stop collecting and using your personal information.
If you have any questions about this privacy policy, please contact the company directly.


◎ 隱私權政策說明:
AirKacho(Pixma Business Co.,Ltd.)非常重視您的隱私。 請閱讀下面有關隱私權政策的更多資訊。

本公司非常重視保護您的隱私。 關於消費者及個人資料之收集及使用,我們承諾遵守中華民國《電腦處理個人資料保護法》及本私隱政策,妥善管理及保護使用者私隱。 如果您不同意本隱私權政策全部或部分內容,請停止使用本網站服務。


◎ 個人資料使用說明:

當您瀏覽本公司相關網站時,不會主動要求您輸入個人資料。 當您想完成購物流程或參加其他活動時,本公司會要求使用者登入其個人訊息,以便完成交易及相關會員服務。



◎ 用戶註冊說明:
為了保障所有會員的權益,當您第一次訪問本網站進行購買時,我們會要求您提供姓名、電子郵箱、聯繫地址等信息,以註冊成為AirKacho Online會員。
在註冊過程中,您可以為自己設定一組電子郵件和密碼。 透過該帳戶,您可以依照網站說明使用相關會員服務。


本公司已加強相關保護措施,但我們也鄭重提醒您:請不要在互聯網上公開披露您的個人信息,這些信息可能會被他人收集和使用。 特別是在網路上的公共論壇中,例如聊天室和留言板,您應該避免發布個人訊息,例如個人身分、密碼或電子郵件。
為了保護您的帳戶和個人資料的安全,請您不要向任何第三方提供您的個人帳戶和密碼,也不允許第三方利用您的個人資料申請帳戶或密碼。 否則,您將承擔相關責任。 若您的帳戶及密碼有外洩風險,請立即變更密碼或通知本公司暫停帳戶(本公司可能需要驗證您的個人資訊)。
網路不是一個安全的資訊傳輸環境。 使用本網站時,請避免向他人提供敏感個人資訊或在網站上公開揭露。


◎ Cookie 使用說明:
Cookie 是網站伺服器用來與您的瀏覽器通訊的技術。 可以用來區分使用者的不同喜好,進一步提供個人化服務。 當您造訪和使用本網站服務時,為了讓您更方便地使用本網站並幫助我們為您提供客製化內容,本公司可能會為您的網路瀏覽器設定cookies來儲存您的部分資訊。 我們希望利用這些資訊為您提供更好、更貼心、更適合您的服務。
您可以在瀏覽器操作說明中了解如何設定接受或拒絕cookie。 您可以透過個人電腦或網路裝置變更 cookie 使用設定。 如果您關閉cookies,可能會在您使用本網站服務時發生問題。 如果您遇到任何不便,您可能無法充分使用所提供的所有服務功能。


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