Whatsapp■After-sales service■

If the product is not defective or the product is incorrect, returns or exchanges will not be provided.
Buyers are advised to make sure the product and quantity are correct before placing a bid!

If there is an error in our shipment, please contact us immediately and we will replace it for you as soon as possible!


⭐Our company's esim or sim card is a one-time product. After reservation or self-activation caused by various human factors, the resale value of the product no longer exists. It will be more cumbersome to handle returns and exchanges. When purchasing, please contact customer service in advance or read more. Instructions for returns and exchanges, please be careful when placing orders, thank you for your cooperation!


■Return and exchange information■
  ★[Instructions for returns and exchanges]
In accordance with the provisions of the Consumer Protection Law, please pay attention to the following return and exchange information:

  1. In accordance with Paragraph 2 of Article 19 of the Consumer Protection Act and the applicable guidelines for reasonable exceptions to the right to cancel communications transactions announced by the Executive Yuan, our store will not provide the application of the seven-day hesitation period of the Consumer Protection Act for the following products:

(1) The goods are easily perishable, have a short shelf life, or are about to expire when the contract is terminated. Because it is easy to deteriorate quickly and has a shelf life of less than seven days, or if it is slightly longer than seven days but is about to expire when the contract is terminated, it is not suitable to return it before selling it.
(2) Customized products according to your requirements. Because you have sufficient information and time to choose whether to proceed with this transaction.
(3) Newspapers, periodicals or magazines. Such publications are therefore time-sensitive.
(4) Unpacked audio-visual products or computer software.
(5) Digital content that is not provided in tangible media or online services that are completed once provided can only be provided with your prior consent.
(6) Unpacked personal hygiene products.
(7) International air passenger transport services. Such as: air tickets, etc.
(8) Goods or services that have been announced by the competent authority in accordance with Paragraph 1 of Article 17 of the Consumer Protection Act to stipulate matters that must be recorded and must not be recorded in the contract. Such as: art exhibition tickets, travel accommodation tickets, etc.

2. If the goods are not listed in the preceding article, our store provides all consumers with the right to a seven-day hesitation period after receiving the goods. Within seven days from the time you receive the goods, if you do not want to buy the goods, please notify us by phone or add Whatsapp before returning the goods and notify our store in writing or by email. Your return will be processed immediately.

3. After you receive the goods, please confirm the goods you ordered as soon as possible. If the goods are damaged or scratched due to non-human factors, or the packaging is damaged and incomplete during transportation, please notify us as soon as possible. The company's customer service staff will identify product defects or damage and replace them with new ones as soon as possible.

4. If you need to return or exchange goods, please email, Whatsapp or call our store and provide the following information:
(1)Order number
(2) Name, contact number, and email address
(3) Reasons for return or exchange (optional)

5. When you want to return a product, according to the provisions of the civil law, you and the store should bear each other's responsibility to restore the original condition after the transaction is terminated. Therefore:
(1) Please keep the product in a brand new condition, and make sure that there is nothing missing in the main product, user manual, registration reply, peripheral parts, invoices, related accessories, etc., and return them together with the original packaging so that our store can serve you Process refunds.
(2) If the product is damaged, worn, scratched, dirty, or has incomplete packaging due to improper use, disassembly or other human factors, and the product cannot be returned to the store in its entirety, the store will give you a discretionary reply. The cost of the goods will be charged in the original condition, or the price of the goods will be charged to you in proportion to the condition of the goods.

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